Dirty Little Machine

from Beatrix Morrigan, Digital Artificer




From It Could Happen Here

  • Dr Maung Zarni on Myanmar’s Colonial Past and Post Colonial Future on April 18 2024 [iHeart]
    Episode Description James talks to Dr Maung Zarni about the junta’s colonial methods of rule, ultra nationalist Buddhism, and how to build a better future for a democratic Myanmar.
  • Irregular Naval Warfare and You (Ukraine and Myanmar Edition) on March 28 2024 [iHeart]
    Episode Description Robert and James cover Ukraine's defeat of the Russian Black Sea Fleet using irregular warfare, and James looks over how Myanmar's rebels have stymied the junta Navy.
  • What's Happening to the Rohingya in Myanmar’s Civil War? on March 25 2024 [iHeart]
    Episode Description James talks to Aung Kyaw Moe about the recent fighting in Rakhine state, the Junta forcibly conscripting Rohingya people, and how to build a democratic Myanmar that’s inclusive for all faiths and ethnicities.
  • The Junta's Sham Elections and a Myanmar Update on February 5 2023 [iHeart]
    Episode Description James talks to Billy Ford (@billee4d) about the Junta’s “roadmap to democracy” in Myanmar and the state of the spring revolution two years after it began.
  • Rohingya History and Culture with Aung Kyaw Moe on February 2 2023 [iHeart]
    Episode Description James sits down with Aung Kyaw Moe, who is a Rohingya, human rights advocate, and adviser to Myanmar’s NUG.
  • Myanmar: Printing the Revolution
    • Part 1 on March 6 2022 [iHeart]
      Episode Description Robert Evans and James Stout start their four part series on the Gen Z Militias of Myanmar.
    • Part 2 on March 7 2022 [iHeart]
      Episode Description We discuss the history of homemade guns in liberatory movements, and meet two fighters who battled the Burmese government.
    • Part 3 on March 8 2022 [iHeart]
      Episode Description We follow Zaw, a gen Z militant fighting with improvised weapons in Myanmar.
    • Part 4 on March 9 2022 [iHeart]
      Episode Description The conclusion of our series on the civil war in Myanmar.
  • How to Build A Revolution: Myanmar
    • Part 1 on November 6 2022 [iHeart]
      Episode Description Part 1 of a 5 part series on Myanmar’s spring revolution. James and Robert document the first year of Myanmar’s revolution through the stories of its participants”
    • Part 2 on November 7 2022 [iHeart]
      Episode Description We pick up with our young revolutionaries as they begin to fight back.
    • Part 3 on November 8 2022 [iHeart]
      Episode Description The revolution moves from the streets of Yangon to Myanmar’s ‘shatter zones’
    • Part 4 on November 9 2022 [iHeart]
      Episode Description When governments around the world abandoned the spring revolution, Myanmar’s rebels found support from people all over the world instead.
    • Part 5 on November 10 2022 [iHeart]
      Episode Description We conclude our series on Myanmar, and look at how the revolution is sustaining itself after more than a year and a half of fighting without international aid.


Map of Myanmar

  • Kachin State
  • Sagaing Region
  • Shan (North) State
  • Mandalay Region
  • Chin State
  • Magway Region
  • Shan (South) State
  • Shan (East) State
  • Rakhine State
  • Kayah State
  • Kayin State
  • Bago (East) Region
  • Bago (West) Region
  • Ayeyarwady Region
  • Yangon Region
  • Mon State
  • Tanintharyi Region
Image Source: UNHCR Operational Data Portal


Terms That Refer to Ethnic Groups

Note: this is an inexhaustive and contentious list. See this Wikipedia page to get a very rough idea of those complexities.