Dirty Little Machine

from Beatrix Morrigan, Digital Artificer


The Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES), otherwise known as Rojava, is an autonomous region in northeastern Syria. Rojava is another name for Syrian Kurdistan; see the map below to understand the 4 major regions of Greater Kurdistan. Though the movement for Kurdish liberation plays a large part in the formation of the AANES, it is a secular multi-ethnic democratic confederation. The Turkish government and the Syrian Assad regime both take hostile stances to the AANES and have been occupying parts of it since its inception.

The AANES is governed by the Syrian Democratic Council (SDC) and has a coalition military wing known as the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). The SDF is allied with and somewhat supplied by the Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve (CJTF–OIR), which is a US-led military coalition against Islamic State militants.

Map of Greater Kurdistan. Red indicates Bakur (Turkish Kurdistan), yellow indicates Rojava (Syrian Kurdistan), green indicates Bashur (Iraqi Kurdistan), blue indicates Rojhelat (Iranian Kurdistan)
Regions of the AANES. Note that this map does not depict the often-changing regions of Turkish or Syrian Assad regime occupation.

Democratic Confederalism

The AANES' official political ideology, democratic confederalism, is inspired by Murray Bookchin's concepts of libertarian municipalism and social ecology. Democratic confederalism was developed primarily by Abdullah Öcalan, who is a founding member of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) and political prisoner held by the Turkish government.

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